Sunday, April 20, 2008

Here's Gypsy Soul, fresh (and sweaty!) off the stage at the Festival of Dancing Colors this afternoon. It was a fun performance, and a meaningful one--we dedicated it to Nancy's mother, who died Monday (Nancy's in the center, Debra's on the right, yours truly is on the left.)

A little note on my costume: I got it for $10 15 years ago. I was going to buy it for $200 in monthly (or maybe weekly) installments from a woman in my bellydance class, but she ran off with our teacher's husband after my first payment and I never knew how to reach her. A very unexpected bargain!

Another note on my costume: if you click to enlarge the photo, it looks like some sort of adult diaper is sticking up over my belt, but it's actually my white underskirt; I guess my belt and red overskirt slipped down a bit, alas.

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