According to this article in Salon, I (along with hundreds of thousands of fellow peace activists) may have been exposed to biological weapons in Washington, DC last month. The article mentions that several CODEPINK members were sickened. This is pretty scary. I'm sure I would have shown symptoms by now if I was truly infected (although I read the list of symptoms--headache, joint aches, etc.--and it's easy to convince myself that I've experienced them. Then again, I can read an article about any disease and convince myself that I have it. It's a nasty habit I've had since I was a kid and loved to pore through medical books. Maybe I should have a blood test, just to set my mind at ease...)
I am not a conspiracy-theory person by nature, but I find myself wondering...What if the government released the tularemia bacteria themselves? What if they saw the peace march as an opportunity to sicken, to weaken, thousands in the anti-war movement? I am not accusing anyone of anything, but I have to admit I wouldn't put it past them.
Get the blood test!
I'm going to try to today. I'll keep you posted...
Good to know!
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